Have you booked your wedding, yet?

If the answer is "Yes", then it's time to start planning!

I know wedding planning can be stressful and overwhelming. Wether you've booked with Rustic River Photography or not, I'm going to share a few tips from a photographer's stand-point that will really elevate and make taking photos more fun!


Load up on snacks.. Bring them with you in abundance! It's most likely going to be a long day and there's nothing worse than being hangry while trying to take pictures. Trust me on this one! (Don't forget drinks)


Do you love being outside? Are you planning a vacation or bachelorette/bachelor trip somewhere sunny? I don't blame you! Who doesn't love being outside and getting some sun. However, keep in mind how those tan-lines are going to look in your wedding dress. Tan Lines can last weeks, and spray tans can only go so far. When in doubt - apply sun-screen!


Most photographers work on a very strict time schedule to capture everything you want in a timely manner. To save us (the photographer) some time, have all your details ready to go in one box or in the area waiting on us! This includes; extra invites, shoes, jewelry, perfumes, Bouquets.. anything you want documented!


I always ask my wedding clients to create a "shot list".. This is a list of each family formal photo you want taken. Most of the time, we as your photographers, don't know your family tree.. so not only does this help us not to forget anyone (Which is very important!) it also allows us to skip hashing out the details of a blended family the day of the wedding.

Important note: Blended families are completely normal - Don't stress it, or feel like you have two apologize for it!

  • "THE SHOT"

Do you have a shot that you REALLY want? Not something your photographer is obviously going to capture (for example, there's a 99% chance we'll capture "the kiss") .. TELL US! Make a Pinterest page, or send an inspiration photo! We are creatives, yes - we find inspiration and go for it. We like to do our own thing and we each have our own style and "brand" of photography.

However, we also want to get *that* shot for you as well.


Pick a trusted friend or family member to be your photographer's "go-to" if your photographer has any questions about "who is who" or to help round up family members when needed.. this is there personal we will lean on. We try to knock these out as quickly as possible to get you into the reception in a timely manner.


Theres always one person that just doesn't like taking pictures - and that's okay! However, wedding days are full of picture-taking. It's always helpful to warn them ahead of time, so they can prepare themselves.


Is your mom, grandmother or "your person" getting you into your dress? Then it's important they be ready with you! They'll want to be fully dressed and ready for photos by time we are getting you into your dress.

Plan accordingly!

  • KISS

Be sure to ask the officiant to step aside when he announces you husband and wife. You don't want the officiant right behind you guys when you go in for the kiss! It's also important to HOLD the kiss for a couple of seconds - no quick pecks! Let your photographer to the all the shots they can.

There's also the mid-isle kiss - if this is something you're interested in .. be sure to discuss beforehand.


Bouquets are to be held at your belly button. I know it's hard to remember during the moment, but definitely relay this to your bridesmaids!


Remember to always SMILE! I know we strive for genuine emotion, and that IS very important.. But sometimes we get so concentrated on what we're doing that we forget to smile during our recession. Send a gentle reminder to your wedding party to smile when they are walking down the isle.


For purely aesthetic reasons, pictures always look best when bride and groom are centered at the alter.

It's something to be mindful of!

These are some of my top tips for your big day! If you're looking for a wedding photographer, I would be happy to walk you through the process and discuss a more personalized experience.

Lets get started!